Learning Tool | Padlet

Description: Padlet is a web app. A “padlet” is a digital space where users post “notes” that are visible to others and available for reactions and comments.
Why do I use Padlet to facilitate digital learning?
Learners can
- make their ideas visible to the instructor, other learners, and themselves.
- express their thinking using varied note formats (e.g., text, image, video, audio, drawing).
- easily access their digital learning space with a url or QR code, or by embedding a padlet in a website.
- participate in live and on-demand learning.
Padlet is highly customizable. Instructors can structure learners’ participation with modifiable prompts, formats, backgrounds, and templates. Finally, instructors can archive learning for future reference on the web or as image or PDF.
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Learning Example | Build a Learning Community with Padlet and Reality Pedagogy
In a recent article, Dr. Christopher Emdin, a professor of science education at Columbia University, puts forth the idea of reality pedagogy. That is the practice of teaching that allows for students to learn in a space that welcomes and cares about their ideas and experiences, but also connects their classroom learning to what’s happening in the world during crisis or boon. He pushes us to consider our reality — the coronavirus pandemic, and how reality pedagogy might help us build a learning community that connects classrooms to the real-world and learners to each other.
How can a digital learning tool like Padlet empower us to engage learners in reality pedagogy and build community ?
This summer, I facilitated virtual professional learning communities with teachers, coaches, and administrators from across the country. These committed educators engaged in meaningful conversations and collaborations where they considered how to best deliver effective digital instruction for learners in their school, home, or blended spaces.
To grow our learning community, I asked these curious educators to introduce themselves in our Digital About Me Gallery using Padlet. They posted a short video in response to the follow prompt:

After sharing their posts, these connected educators reacted to colleagues with whom they noticed something in common or simply enjoyed their video and posted comments and questions to continue their conversations.
Why was this digital learning experience effective?
Padlet provided a digital space for community building. Yet, it was the reality pedagogy that engaged these committed, curious, and connected educators in our learning community. I didn’t ask participants to consider what they were learning as separate from their current reality — both professional and personal. Their ideas, anecdotes, and emotions were welcome and cared for during this experience, which is vital for building a learning community in digital spaces.
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Learning Experience | Real Talk! Building a Learning Community during Challenging Times
Whew! Many months later, we are still supporting learning during a global pandemic. Thank you for your perseverance and resilience during these challenging times. When life gives you challenges, build community!
Welcome to our LoravoreⓇ Learning Community! Please introduce yourself in our padlet below.
- Click the Add Button [+] to post your introductory video. Type your full name in the “Title” section. Click the Options Button [···] to add your video via Film.
Please feel free to use another note format (e.g., audio, image, drawing, etc) to introduce yourself.

Thank you for participating in our LoravoreⓇ Learning Community!
Additional LoravoreⓇ Learning Resources
- Consider Equity when Evaluating Evidence-Based Education Interventions for your Learning Community
- Dr. Erika D. Tate Delivers an Equity-Driven, Inspiring Keynote to New Teachers in Savannah, Georgia!
- LoravoreⓇ Learning Playlist | Digital Instruction Redesigns
- Read Dr. Erika D. Tate’s ASCD Article: Advancing Fair and Equitable Digital Assessment
- LoravoreⓇ Learning Playlist | Equitable Assessment Practice
- LoravoreⓇ Learning Playlist | Interactive Video