Blog Series: Design Remote Learning with Learners’ Families in Mind
Many months later, remote learning has become the new normal. As you plan for this coming school year — whether it’s personalized support of your faculty or compassionate, responsive instruction for your learners at home, re/visit our blog series: Design Remote Learning with Learners’ Families in Mind. This 3-part series provides practical advice and examples that empower you to consider the experiences of your learners’ families as you plan effective remote learning during this time of uncertainty.
Part 1: Prioritize What Learners Need to Learn Most
Reduce learners’ workload. Increase learning value
- Focus instructional goals.
- Use prioritized standards to guide instructional planning.
- Design integrated learning experiences that address prioritized standards.
Part 2: Plan for Varying Levels of Family Support
Help families help you.
- Encourage and support learners to seek other resources first before asking their families for help.
- Be specific about how you want families to support learning at home.
- Differentiate how families can support learning at home.
Part 3: Balance the Remote Learning Experience for Families
Plan Responsively. Empower Families.
- Seek opportunities to collaborate and coordinate with teachers and instructional leaders to ensure families are supporting the best possible learning at home.
- Vary when and how learners and their families engage in remote learning.
- Build “choice and voice” options into remote learning instruction.
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