Design Remote Learning 2.0 with Families in Mind | Byte 2

Design Remote Learning 2.0 with Families in Mind

Byte-Size Guidance: Engaging families to help learners at home

TeachersBe specific about how you want families to support learning at home. Articulate the type and amount of help families need to provide their learners.


  • Monitor completion for this week’s assignment. “Here are 2 assignments your learner must complete. This will help them with next week’s learning. If they finish these, they have the option of completing assignment #3.
  • Encourage your child to read. “This is a great time to log in those reading hours! Please help your reader make time to read for 45 minutes or at least 2 books this week.”

Families want their children to experience success during remote learning. Most will appreciate and respond to specific, reasonable requests for support.

Survey says: Nearly half of families reported spending 2-3 hours per day helping their children learn at home during COVID-19 school closures. Learn more.

Experts remind us that the primary role of families is to foster positive conditions where children feel emotionally safe and supported. Then, they are ready to engage with their child’s academic learning. Learn more.

Design considerations: Connect and learn about your students’ families. Use your knowledge and relationships to differentiate your requests for families to help their children at home. Learn more.


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