Design Remote Learning 2.0 with Families in Mind | Byte 4

Design Remote Learning 2.0 with Families in Mind

Byte-Size Guidance: Connect with families regularly, Engage families to help learners at home

TeachersPlan “live” and “on-demand” opportunities to connect with families so they can touch-base, ask questions, request assistance, and receive updates from you about their children’s social and instructional experiences during remote learning.

“Live” Example: Host bi-weekly videoconferences in the evenings with families to p/review learning, celebrate successes, address common concerns, and exchange tips and best practices.

“One Demand” Example: Share weekly updates as recorded video, audio, or text that informs families about your instructional focus and highlights 1-2 ways they can monitor their child’s progress.

Survey says: More than 75% of families cite teacher availability as a key support during remote learning. They appreciate timely responses to their questions and opportunities to discuss their children’s progress or challenges learning remotely. Learn more.

Experts encourage teachers, schools, and districts to recognize families as assets in teaching and learning, experts on their children, and partners in problem solving during remote learning. Learn more.

Design considerations: When pressed for time, prioritize personalized “live” options (1-on-1 phone or video calls) with families to discuss their child’s progress or participation in remote learning. Save “on-demand” options (Question Boards or FAQs) for general instructional concerns shared by multiple families. Learn more.

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