As I pen my first blogpost of 2016, I am energized by a sense of accomplishment and filled with anticipation of what’s next for bluknowledge. As the founder of this small, still new business, I am happy to report the start our 1 . . coque iphone xr soldes coque iphone . coque iphone 7 2 . . coque iphone coque iphone pas cher 3 . . . soldes coque iphone coque iphone pas cher 4 . coque iphone . coque iphone en ligne coque iphone 2019 soldes . 5th year of business and tireless commitment to empowering communities through STEM education and community engagement. Given the significance of Year 5, the accomplishments of bluknowledge seem worthy of note and sharing. coque iphone x [clear]
Since the start, bluknowledge has worked with over 30 clients and community collaborators to shape conversations and learning experiences around social justice issues such as equity in access to high-quality public education and local, healthy foods. The bluFolio features 15 STEM education and community engagement projects that progress us toward realizing our vision of empowered communities. Across 30 communities and schools, we have provided over 20 customized services, including
- STEM curricular design, research, and evaluation
- Design and delivery of professional learning experiences for K-16 (workshops, PLCs, instructional coaching)
- Needs assessment and strategic planning for schools and communities
- Community engagement and research (forums, focus groups, surveys, interviews)
- Design and delivery of community education and outreach with parents, youth, and seniors.
This work has yielded over 100 community conversations and learning experiences — in person and virtual. These experiences have been shared with more than 370 followers on Twitter and over 500 subscribed bluBlog readers. coque iphone 6 Such meaningful work has led to the practical training of 10 new professionals and the hiring of 1 bluTastic bluTeam member – Kristen Cellini!