Happy Holidays
from the Long Family!
I know you’re busy with family and festivities, but I wanted to share a bit more happenings than our holiday card would fit. Keep reading for this year’s Long family updates!

Elijah’s fall season has been frenzied and fun! In August, he started Montessori school. It took him a couple months to settle in, but now he hugs, high-fives, and knee bumps his friends “hello” and “goodbye”, and speaks of his school with pride. He sings country songs (with his mama), counts letters in words, builds towers, and loves to measure.
In October, we celebrated Elijah’s 3rd birthday at a local park with a pizza party and monster truck rally. He moves as fast and furious as his favorite monster machines. Pausing for cuddles with mama, adventures with his buddy (Daddy), and playtime with his best friend, Katherine.

Like her folks, Katherine has never met a stranger — in the streets, at school, and on her mama’s Zoom calls. This fall, Katherine started a nature pre-K where each week she learns about one of the 100 species on her campus. Yes, the Long family has been building knowledge about wolves, cougars, bison, turkeys, flying squirrels, bees, and a big ‘ol cow named Jubilee!
While Katherine’s 5th birthday isn’t until January, she self identifies as a teenager. So much so, she dressed as Margot from Despicable Me for Halloween. Her creative spirit abounds as she designs jewelry, builds hotels, draws people, and makes music.
She’s Elijah’s proud big sister (he’s her “baby boo boo”), Daddy’s sweetie, and mama’s co-planner for weekly activities, parties, and future family vacations (her dramatic play frequently centers on flying to Australia).

Richard is now the work traveler of the family. (I try not to hate too much, but y’all know me — haha!) He’s having a ball as Daddy, teaching Elijah and Katherine how to grow fruit and veggies in our garden, forage for pecans in our lane, and of course, chefin’ up their favorite meals, including “fancy breakfast”.
This fall, Rich has become quite the successful hunter. As he leaves for a hunt, Elijah and Katherine cheer him on: “Get that deer, Daddy! Yum!”
Me? It’s the grilled meats that got me in the first place so I am enjoying Rich’s delicious stews, steaks, and sausages. And . . . I’m just waiting to produce his video blog: Hunt. Grill. Eat.

Yes, I’m still trying to get in these streets — at home and abroad! (I’m pretty much a walking dance party, y’all.) In the meantime, I’ve taken to walking in nature with Katherine and Elijah (Rich is usually hunting). We’ve logged more than a few maritime forest hikes and river walks. As budding naturalists, we can distinguish fiddler and squareback crabs and recognize when a woodpecker pecks wood.
After school, Elijah, Katherine, and I have settled into a weekly schedule of bike riding, playground exploration, and library time. We do reserve Fridays for “chillin” cause I am me.
I’ve joined Rotary for the service, social scene, and delicious three-course lunches. I run, not jog (in my opinion). In between work and the streets, ok nature trails, I just love on my family, living that mama life on my terms (ok Katherine and Elijahs’ terms). A girl can dream!