Our growing collection of Interactive Loravore® Learning Resources contribute to the ongoing professional learning that educators deserve. They showcase our professional learning expertise and delivery style. More importantly, they empower teachers and leaders to design and deliver equitable and effective instruction.
Interact & Learn with our Loravore® Learning Resources!
- Consider Equity when Evaluating Evidence-Based Education Interventions for your Learning Community
- Dr. Erika D. Tate Delivers an Equity-Driven, Inspiring Keynote to New Teachers in Savannah, Georgia!
- LoravoreⓇ Learning Playlist | Digital Instruction Redesigns
- Read Dr. Erika D. Tate’s ASCD Article: Advancing Fair and Equitable Digital Assessment
- LoravoreⓇ Learning Playlist | Equitable Assessment Practice
- LoravoreⓇ Learning Playlist | Interactive Video
- LoravoreⓇ Learning | Position Digital Assessments for Equitable Learning
- LoravoreⓇ Learning | The Sequel: Facilitating Equitable and Collaborative Learning with Digital Whiteboards
- LoravoreⓇ Learning | Facilitate Equitable and Collaborative Learning with Digital Whiteboards
- Dr. Erika Tate engages educators across the globe during ASCD Webinar!
- LoravoreⓇ Learning | Build an Equitable Assessment Practice with Video-Based Academic Discussion
- Loravore® Learning | We Celebrate Reading!
- LoravoreⓇ Learning | Build an Equitable Assessment Practice with Padlet
- LoravoreⓇ Learning | Power Up Interactive Video with Formative Assessment
- LoravoreⓇ Learning | Empowering Learning with Interactive Video
- LoravoreⓇ Learning | Building a Learning Community with Padlet
Featured Loravore® Learning Instructional Video
Every week on our LinkedIn page, we share video clips from our Loravore® Learning Resources. Watch. React. Comment. Share.