Our Headlines for February 2021!

In 2021, we are framing our 2021 goals as “headlines” for Bluknowledge Consulting Services and LoravoreLearning!

Our February 2021 Headlines!

We contributed to critical conversations about advancing equity and anti-racism through science education and literacy.

Anti-Racism Interactive Science Education (ARISE) at UC Berkeley is promoting an integrated understanding of science and developing commitments to oppose racism and promote equity. Learn more.

Watch LitWorld’s #WRADChat YouTube  where Dr. Erika D. Tate and Mr. Duane Davis celebrated Black voices in storytelling and explored ways of discussing race and equity with young people!

Our celebration of Black Herstories was well received with over 600 video views, interactions and shares!

Interactions with our Loravore®️ Learning Resources more than doubled to over 350!

Teachers and School Leaders: Empower yourself and your team
to deliver effective digital instruction.

Interact with our Loravore Learning Resources!

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