For Black Maternal Health Week, we raise awareness about the disparities Black women face throughout their maternal health journey — conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. We showcase For Us, By Us innovations aimed to address inequities faced by Black women and celebrate Black motherhood. Watch. Read. Share. Advocate!

Issue: In the category of maternal health, the US ranks last among industrialized countries [1]. At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 3 in 5 pregnancy-related deaths are preventable [2].
Impact: In the Giving Voice to Mothers study, Black women were twice as likely than white women to report that a provider ignored them or refused their request for help in a timely manner [7]. During what’s supposed to be a time of joy and celebration, many Black women feel disrespected, unheard, and even silenced.
Innovation: Here are a few For Us, By Us solutions that address Black maternal health challenges, consider the multiple intersectionalities of Black Women and people, and showcase innovative approaches to social change: Black Mamas Matter · Commonsense Childbirth · bEarth Work · NATAL · Irth
[Sources & Articles of Interest]
- Maternal Mortality in the United States: A Primer | Commonwealth Fund
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities Continue in Pregnancy-Related Deaths | CDC Online Newsroom
- Lost Mothers Series |Propublica
- We’re Investigating How Insurance Gaps Endanger Mothers. This Is Why. | Propublica
- Pregnancy-Related Deaths Happen Before, During, and Up to a Year After Delivery | CDC Online Newsroom
- A shocking number of women are harassed, ignored, or mistreated during childbirth | Vox
- The Giving Voice to Mothers study: inequity and mistreatment during pregnancy and childbirth in the United States | Reproductive Health Journal
- The New U.S. Maternal Mortality Rate Fails to Capture Many Deaths |Propublica
- Ending the Doom & Gloom: Shifting the Narrative About Black Maternal Health | Women’s ENews
Learn how Bluknowledge advances equity in schools and communities.

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Our Perspectives on Equity
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- We Discuss Black Maternal Health!
- Dr. Erika Tate engages educators across the globe during ASCD Webinar!