Arlan Hamilton, venture capitalist and author of “It’s About Damn Time,” recommends writing “headlines” as a way to envision your future. So this New Year’s, we are framing our goals and resolutions as “headlines”.
As we embark on our 2021 journey, we share “headlines” for Bluknowledge Consulting Services and LoravoreⓇ Learning!
Our 2021 Headlines!
Organization & Community Leaders: Schedule a consultation to learn how our needs assessments, program evaluation, and research partnerships can increase the impact of your organization.
Teachers & School Leaders: Enroll yourself or your team in our Empower and Codesign Sessions to increase the effectiveness of digital instruction in your classrooms and schools.
Follow our progress!
- We’re Making Headlines in 2021!
- Our Headlines for January 2021!
- Our Headlines for February 2021!
- Our Headlines for March 2021!
- Our Headlines for April 2021!
- Our Headlines for May 2021!
- Our Headlines for Summer 2021
- Our Headlines for August 2021!
- Our Headlines for September 2021!
- Our Headlines for October 2021!
- Our End of Year Headlines for 2021!